Maintaining and protecting Newton's unique character takes a lot of hard work. It's not a simple situation, and the community needs to have a variety of different tools and techniques that can be used in appropriate ways to help achieve the goal of neighborhood preservation. Design Review Guidelines have been used in many communities around the country, and may offer significant benefits for Newton. They offer a particularly effective tool for dealing with development outside existing Historic Districts.

Design Review provides a forum for citizens and developers to work toward achieving a better urban environment through attention given to fundamental design principals. Design Review is intended to affect how new development can contribute positively to a city's neighborhoods. Design guidelines offer a flexible tool - an alternative to prescriptive zoning requirements - that can allow new development to better repond to the distinctive character of its surroundings.

City of Seattle - The City of Seattle, Washington, has implemented a Design Review Guidelines program and has many years of experience in its implementation.

City of Creve Coeur - The city of Creve Coeur is an affluent suburb of St. Louis, and has implemented Design Guidelines.

City of Lake Forest - The City of Lake Forest is a well-known suburb of Chicago, and established its Building Review Board in 1962. The Board is made up of seven Lake Forest residents who are appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council. The Board is responsible for carrying on the long tradition of Lake Forest by working to preserve the special character and uniqueness of various neighborhoods inthe City, and protect property values throughout the community. The Board reviews projects that are outside the boundaries of the City's Historic Districts. The Board reviews all proposals for demolition, inwhole or part, of existing buildings, the architectural design of new buildings, building additions and alterations, requests for building scale variances, exterior lighting, signs, landscaping and overall site plans for new developments.