Affordable housing is one of those topics that seems to sit at the intersection of many of the major trends and driving issues affecting Newton. There's good news and bad news. Newton's great location, excellent schools, friendly neighborhoods and great quality of life mean that people want to live here. That's great in terms of rising property values for those of us that already own a home. On the other hand, it means that real estate prices keep spiralling upward and have put Newton out of reach for many people.

At the opening of Kayla's House

Affordable housing in Newton is not a "low income" issue - housing in Newton is out of reach for moderate income, "middle class" folks like teachers, firefighters, and policemen. Many different programs and ordinances have an impact on affordable housing, some of which are listed below.

COMMUNITY PRESERVATION ACT - Newton has made some very real progress in recent years, including usage of the Community Preservation Act, which provides a pool of funds for projects in affordable housing, open space, and historic preservation. Many significant projects have been funded and valuable work is being done through the Community Preservation Committee.

INCLUSIONARY ZONING - Major changes have been made to the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance, providing significant new incentives to developers to include affordable units in any new development.

POTENTIAL ZONING TOOLS - From large multi-unit projects to teardowns, McMansions and Rear Lot Subdivisions, Newton faces continuing pressure from new real estate development in a city with little if any undeveloped land. We need to develop new 'tools in the toolbox' that open new ways to help preserve the unique character of neighborhoods while allowing reasonable development. Overlay Districts and Design Review Guidelines are just two promising approaches that may help. Serious work is underway as the Zoning and Planning Committee moves foward on Zoning Reform.